Saturday 3 December 2011

Gingrich gains Union Leader vote

Current recipient of the hype drive, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, has attained perhaps the most important endorsement the election press, in the early voting states, have to offer. New Hampshire's Manchester Union Leader has officially endorsed the former Georgia Congressman with an editorial featured on their front page. I like your style...

Joe McQuaid believes in Newt. Do you? Photography: VictoryNH: Protect Our Primary (Flickr)

The staunchly conservative Union Leader, also New Hampshire's most circulated newspaper, carries greater weight than most other publications in Republican politics given that once it adopts a candidate it will aggressively back it throughout the campaign. Free spinning and PR for Newt then!

Publisher Joe McQuaid sums it up saying: "The Union Leader’s style is we don’t just endorse once. We endorse every damn day. We started endorsing Reagan in 1975 and never stopped." In other words: "Once he's ma boi, he ma boi dawg."