Sunday 30 October 2011

Paul ads bombard early voting states

Evergreen Republican libertarian Ron Paul has been airing two spots in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. The Representative from Texas is targeting these first-in-the-nation states with this multimillion-dollar ad buy as he tries to put himself at the top of the field. This is his last hurrah. Spend like you mean it!

Ron Paul addresses a crowd in Houston, Texas. Photo credit: everett taasevigen 

The first ad, titled ‘Plan, sets out his vision to balance the budget and cut $1 trillion in spending during his first year as president. He’d abolish five federal agencies, constrict the Federal Reserve and lower taxes. Music to conservative ears up and down the land!    

The second ad, titled ‘Consistent’, calls President Obama a failure whilst attacking rivals Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Herman Cain. The spot seeks to emphasise Paul’s longstanding opposition to these hot-button issues and that he isn’t simply jumping on the bandwagon.I’ve been talking about these issues for a long, long time”, said Paul. “Fellow Republican Thomas Jefferson once said to me…” (I promise one half of that quote is true!)