Saturday, 5 November 2011

Perry ads tailored for South Carolina & Iowa

A ‘super PAC’ has been playing a television spot in South Carolina for the last few days entitled “Leadership.” The 30 second ad gives a brief history of Rick Perry’s origins and describes him as a “solid conservative.” Except for that time he was a Democrat. Or can you be both? The return of the ‘yellow dog Democrat?’

Perry the Joker. Credit: eschipul (Flickr)

It first aired on November 1 and will play for a week costing the ‘super PAC’ – a group named Make Us Great Again – $180,000 according to a group representative. An incredibly similar ad has been playing in Iowa since November 2 and is entitled “Conservative.” However, the cost is slightly higher at $200,000 and is also running for a week.

Spot the difference. Message us on Twitter @TheNextPrez to be in with a chance of winning a special prize!